End of Term Dates 19/02/2019

19th February 2019

Dear Parents,

Date Event
20/02/2019 St David’s Day Concerts ( Nursery-Yr 1: 9.30am / Yr 2 – Yr 6: 1.30pm)
21/02/2019 Urdd Jamboree for Key Stage 2 children at The Pavillion, Haverfordwest Showground.
22/02/2019 School Council Event- NON SCHOOL UNIFORM. Children invited to wear their own clothes to school and bring a £1 donation.
22/02/2019 School Choir to sing outside Tesco Haverfordwest. Those singing in the choir to bring in school jumpers to wear please!
04/03/2019 Football and Netball Tournaments against St Mark’s Primary School. Please can all children involved bring in the appropriate kit.
04/03/2019 Reading Workshop for Parents form 3.30pm.

Just some important dates to remind you of as we draw closer to the end of a busy, but exciting Half Term.

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