School sessions

19th June 2020 


Dear Families, 


Welsh Government Keep Education Safe: Operational guidance for schools and settings (COVID 19) states that ‘in most schools learners would have the opportunity to attend school on 3 occasions before the summer holidays’. With this is mind and to allow for equity of provision for all children I would like to offer your child/children the opportunity to return to school for ‘check in, catch up’ sessions as follows from the week beginning Monday 29th June and for 2 further consecutive weeks. 


Child/children’s name/s:____________________________________________


Teachers: Mrs Callan, Mrs Rodriguez, Mrs Makepeace, Miss Wheeler  


Day (same every week):__________________ 


Entrance/Exit: Rear entrance at back of school building only (please follow WG social distancing practices). 


Arrival Time (same every week) – 09:00 


Pick up Time (same every week) – 15:00 


We look forward to welcoming you back. 


Kind regards, 

Ms John 

Head Teacher 

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