Dinosaur Topic Homework for Reception children

Dinosaur Topic Home Learning


Please complete one activity each week. When you have completed an activity please bring it into class on a Monday to share with your teachers and friends.  In addition to this you can login to HWB and use the tools to draw or paint your favourite dinosaur. Thank you The Foundation Phase Team.


Can you make your own model dinosaur and name it? Use any cardboard boxes, yogurt pots, paints etc that you can find.

Can you bring it into school and talk about it with your friends.


Choose your favourite dinosaur and paint it. Lookcarefully at its features. Does it have a long or short tail and neck? Does it have long teeth? Does it walk on 2 or 4 legs?


Borrow a dinosaur book from library. Share it with your family or bring it to school.


Can you think of any more words that start with the sound ‘d’? Can you make a list of 6?


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